Welcome to the home of the TeleWedge
Update on Telewedge production!
Thanks for your interest in Telewedge! We are currently holding off production until I recover from a serious back injury. I have been injured since late 2021 but am on the mend and hoping for a full recover. Needless to say our shop upgrade is still waiting but we hope to be back up and running soon. Please keep an eye on this space as will announce when we back. Orders will be fulfilled when we return!

We have re-opened our workshop!
Thanks for dropping by! We are back and taking orders!
Why is it a TeleWedge? As musicians know, a wedge is the nickname for a floor monitor speaker housed in a wedge-shaped cabinet angled to the performers to allow them to monitor their own performance. The TeleWedge uses the same
principle only it projects the song lyrics/keys, speech or script needed for an event - ensuring a great, confident performance without the audience realizing the prompter is in use. No more tablet or music stand taking away from the performance - the text is as large as required with no scrolling needed!
Features of the Horizontal TeleWedge:
- 27″ monitor in landscape(horizontal) orientation
- solid spruce plywood construction
- hard mounted power input
- textured, rubberized finish

- non-slip feet
- rear access panel
- dual carrying handles
- lightweight and portable
- the TeleWedge is a brand new, built to order item (please contact for in-stock items and production times)